“Where toil the Cymry deep in sunless pits and emptying all their hills to warm the world”
Club Hub
About ATFC …Formed in 1892 we have had a storied history in Welsh football and after several years of underachievement we are aiming to turn things around on and off the pitch with a new committee and a clear pathway from the youngest age groups up to adult football. Why not come and join us on our journey?#bePARTofIT
Aberdare Town Football Club LimitedRegistered in England and Wales under company registration number: ????????The EasyPanels StadiumAberaman ParkCardiff RoadAberamanCF44 6HA
GENERAL CLUB INFORMATIONFounded: 1892Nicknames: Town / Aber / SnakesNormal colours: Yellow and black stripesChange colours: All redAdmission: Adults: £3 / U16: FreeCardiff City, Swansea City, Newport County and Merthyr Town season ticket holders gain entry for just £1.00BOARD OF DIRECTORSGarry Williams (Chair), Raymond Pearce (Vice Chair), Steven Pearce (Finance Officer and Company Secretary), Ian Pearce (General Manager and ‘The Bar’), Joanne Speck (Club Secretary), Carwyn Speck (Registration Office & Mini Secretary), Peter Taylor (Coach Development Officer), Simon Morgan (‘For Her’ Champion)HONORARY POSITIONSRoss Phillips (President), Richard Rowlands and Steven Pearce (Life Vice-Presidents)VOLUNTEERSIan Ross (Club Chaplain), Ellie Gunson (Safeguarding & Equality Officer), Rickie Jones (Maintenance)
“Where toil the Cymry deep in sunless pits and emptying all their hills to warm the world”
Club Hub
About ATFC …Formed in 1892 we have had a storied history in Welsh football and after several years of underachievement we are aiming to turn things around on and off the pitch with a new committee and a clear pathway from the youngest age groups up to adult football. Why not come and join us on our journey?#bePARTofIT
Aberdare Town Football Club LimitedRegistered in England and Wales under company registration number: ????????The EasyPanels StadiumAberaman ParkCardiff RoadAberamanCF44 6HA
GENERAL CLUB INFORMATIONFounded: 1892Nicknames: Town / Aber / SnakesNormal colours: Yellow and black stripesChange colours: All redAdmission: Adults: £3 / U16: FreeCardiff City, Swansea City, Newport County and Merthyr Town season ticket holders gain entry for just £1.00BOARD OF DIRECTORSGarry Williams (Chair), Raymond Pearce (Vice Chair), Steven Pearce (Finance Officer and Company Secretary), Ian Pearce (General Manager and ‘The Bar’), Joanne Speck (Club Secretary), Carwyn Speck (Registration Office & Mini Secretary), Peter Taylor (Coach Development Officer), Simon Morgan (‘For Her’ Champion)HONORARY POSITIONSRoss Phillips (President), Richard Rowlands and Steven Pearce (Life Vice-Presidents)VOLUNTEERSIan Ross (Club Chaplain), Ellie Gunson (Safeguarding & Equality Officer), Rickie Jones (Maintenance)